jueves, 29 de febrero de 2024

cannot be found by net.sf.jasperreports.engine_6.17.0


Currently I'm using iDempiere 11 and I use Jasper Studio 6.21 for designing the reports , when I want to open a report from print format it doesn't work and log shows the follow error message:

caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.beans.factory.support.BeanDefinitionRegistry cannot be found by net.sf.jasperreports.engine_6.17.0

I have tried compiled report with compatilibility and also I have tried including jasper report engine library 6.17 into plugin.
I am using .jrxml files, I found the solution for this problem, the cause is that I downloaded an outdated iDempiere server and that's why I couldn't open my Jasper reports.

The steps to solve this problem are as follows:

1) Copy the builded project which is located in:


2) Paste and replace all files on iDempiere Server Folder

3) Run setup.bat or setup.sh depending of your Operating System

4) Run idempiere-server.bat or idempiere-server.sh depending of your Operating System

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